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Judiciary Committee Votes On Recent Supreme Court Nominees

Judiciary Committee votes on recent Supreme Court nominees have been compiled by the Senate Library.

Neil M. Gorsuch to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 11-9 on April 3, 2017
Chairman Chuck Grassley (Iowa) – Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) - Aye
John Cornyn (Texas) - Aye
Mike Lee (Utah) - Aye
Ted Cruz (Texas) - Aye
Ben Sasse (Nebraska) - Aye
Jeff Flake (Arizona) - Aye
Mike Crapo (Idaho) - Aye
Thom Tillis (North Carolina) - Aye
John Kennedy (Louisiana) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Nay
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Nay
Richard Durbin (Illinois) - Nay
Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) - Nay
Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota) - Nay
Al Franken (Minnesota) - Nay
Christopher Coons (Delaware) - Nay
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) – Nay
Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) – Nay
Elena Kagan to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 13-6 on July 20, 2010
Chairman Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Aye
Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) -Aye
Chuck Schumer (New York) - Aye
Richard Durbin (Illinois) - Aye
Benjamin Cardin (Maryland) - Aye
Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) - Aye
Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota) - Aye
Ted Kaufman (Delaware) - Aye
Al Franken (Minnesota) - Aye
Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (Alabama) - Nay
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Nay
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Nay
Jon Kyl (Arizona) - Nay
Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) - Aye
John Cornyn (Texas) - Nay
Tom Coburn (Oklahoma) - Nay
Sonia Sotomayor to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 13-6 on July 28, 2009
Chairman Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Aye
Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) - Aye
Chuck Schumer (New York) - Aye
Richard Durbin (Illinois) - Aye
Benjamin Cardin (Maryland) - Aye
Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) - Aye
Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota) - Aye
Ted Kaufman (Delaware) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Al Franken (Minnesota) - Aye
Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (Alabama) - Nay
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Nay
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Nay
Jon Kyl (Arizona) - Nay
Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) - Aye
John Cornyn (Texas) - Nay
Tom Coburn (Oklahoma) - Nay

Samuel Alito to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 10-8 on January 24, 2006
Chairman Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Jon Kyl (Arizona) - Aye
Mike DeWine (Ohio) - Aye
Jeff Sessions (Alabama) - Aye
Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) - Aye
John Cornyn (Texas) - Aye
Sam Brownback (Kansas) - Aye
Tom Coburn (Oklahoma) - Aye
Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Nay
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Joseph Biden (Delaware) - Nay
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Nay
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Nay
Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) - Nay
Chuck Schumer (New York) - Nay
Richard Durbin (Illinois) - Nay
John G. Roberts, Jr., to be Chief Justice
Committee voted 13-5 on September 25, 2005
Chairman Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Jon Kyl (Arizona) - Aye
Mike DeWine (Ohio) - Aye
Jeff Sessions (Alabama) - Aye
Lindsay Graham (South Carolina) - Aye
John Cornyn (Texas) - Aye
Sam Brownback (Kansas) - Aye
Tom Coburn (Oklahoma) - Aye
Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Joseph Biden (Delaware) - Nay
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Nay
Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) - Aye
Chuck Schumer (New York) - Nay
Richard Durbin (Illinois) - Nay
Stephen Breyer to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 18-0 on July 19, 1994
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Aye
Carol Moseley-Braun (Illinois) - Aye
Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Strom Thurmon (South Carolina) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Hank Brown (Colorado) - Aye
William Cohen (Maine) - Aye
Larry Pressler (South Dakota) - Aye
Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 18-0 on July 29, 1993
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware)
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Dianne Feinstein (California) - Aye
Carol Moseley-Braun (Illinois) - Aye
Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Strom Thurmon (South Carolina) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
  Hank Brown (Colorado) - Aye
William Cohen (Maine) - Aye
Larry Pressler (South Dakota) - Aye
Clarence Thomas to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 13-1 on September 27, 1991, on the motion
to send the nomination to the Floor without recommendation
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Nay
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Hank Brown (Colorado) - Aye
Clarence Thomas to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 7-7 on September 27, 1991, on the motion to send the nomination
to the Floor with a favorable recommendation (motion failed)
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Nay
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Nay
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Nay
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Nay
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Nay
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Nay
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Hank Brown (Colorado) - Aye
David Souter to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 13-1 on September 27, 1990
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) - Aye
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Gordon Humphrey (New Hampshire) - Aye
Anthony Kennedy to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 14-0 on January 27, 1988
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Gordon Humphrey (New Hampshire) - Aye
Robert Bork to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 9-5 on October 6, 1987, on the motion to send the nomination
to the floor with an unfavorable recommendation
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Nay
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Nay
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Nay
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Nay
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Gordon Humphrey (New Hampshire) - Nay
Robert Bork to be an Associate Justice
Committee voted 5-9 on October 6, 1987, on the motion to send the nomination
to the floor with a favorable recommendation (motion failed)
Chairman Joe Biden (Delaware) - Nay
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Nay
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Nay
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Nay
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Nay
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Nay
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Nay
Ranking Member Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Nay
Gordon Humphrey (New Hampshire) - Aye
William Rehnquist to be Chief Justice
Committee voted 13-5 on August 14, 1986
Chairman Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Charles Mathias (Maryland) - Aye
Paul Laxalt (Nevada) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Jeremiah Denton (Alabama) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) - Aye
James Broyhill (North Carolina) - Aye
Ranking Member Joe Biden (Delaware) - Nay
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Nay
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Nay
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Nay
Antonin Scalia to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 18-0 on August 14, 1986
Chairman Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Charles Mathias (Maryland) - Aye
Paul Laxalt (Nevada) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Jeremiah Denton (Alabama) - Aye
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) - Aye
James Broyhill (North Carolina) - Aye
Ranking Member Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
Sandra Day O'Connor to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 17-0 on September 15, 1981
Chairman Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Charles Mathias (Maryland) - Aye
Paul Laxalt (Nevada) - Aye
Orrin Hatch (Utah) - Aye
Robert Dole (Kansas) - Aye
Alan Simpson (Wyoming) - Aye
John East (North Carolina) - Aye
Chuck Grassley (Iowa) - Aye
Jeremiah Denton (Alabama) - Present
Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Ranking Member Joe Biden (Delaware) - Aye
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Aye
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) - Aye
Dennis DeConcini (Arizona) - Aye
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) - Aye
Howell Heflin (Alabama) - Aye
Paul Simon (Illinois) - Aye
John Paul Stevens to be Associate Justice
Committee unanimously approved the nomination on December 11, 1975
Ranking Member James Eastland (Mississippi)
 John McClellan (Arkansas)
Philip Hart (Michigan)
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts)
Birch Bayh (Indiana)
Quentin Burdick (North Dakota)
Robert Byrd (West Virginia)
John Tunney (California)
James Abourezk (South Dakota)
Roman Hruska (Nebraska)
Hiram Fong (Hawaii)
Hugh Scott (Pennsylvania)
Strom Thurmond (South Carolina)
Charles Mathias (Maryland)
William Scott (Virginia)
William Rehnquist to be Associate Justice
Committee voted 12-4 on November 23, 1971
Ranking Member James Eastland (Mississippi) - Aye
 John McClellan (Arkansas) - Aye
Sam Ervin (North Carolina) - Aye
Philip Hart (Michigan) - Nay
Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts) - Nay
Birch Bayh (Indiana) - Nay
Quentin Burdick (North Dakota) - Aye
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) - Aye
John Tunney (California) - Nay
Roman Hruska (Nebraska) - Aye
Hiram Fong (Hawaii) - Aye
Hugh Scott (Pennsylvania) - Aye
Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) - Aye
Marlow Cook (Kentucky) - Aye
Charles Mathias (Maryland)
Edward Gurney (Florida) - Aye