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Grassley Statement at an Executive Business Meeting

Prepared Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Executive Business Meeting
September 7, 2017
Good morning. Today, we have a number of nominees on the agenda as well as one bill.
Four judicial nominees are on the agenda for the first time today. They are:
- Ralph Erickson, 8th Circuit
- Don Coggins, District of South Carolina
- Dabney Frederick, District of Columbia
- Stephen Schwartz, Federal Claims
The minority has requested they be held over, so these four nominees will be held over this week.
We also have several U.S. Attorneys on the agenda today which I believe we can do by voice vote when we get to them.
We also have S. 705, the Child Protection Improvements Act of 2017, on the agenda today, which was previously held over.
The Child Protection Improvements Act of 2017 is a bipartisan bill led by Senators Hatch and Franken. It will allow organizations that provide care, supervision, instruction, and recreation to children, the disabled, and the elderly to have access to nationwide FBI background checks of their employees, volunteers, and coaches at a reasonable cost.
This bill will help ensure that the organizations that serve some of our most vulnerable communities do so using staff and volunteers that have been properly vetted.