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Grassley Statement at Hearing on Nominations

Prepared Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Hearing on Nominations
April 26, 2017
Good morning. I’m pleased to hold this nominations hearing for the first Circuit Court nominee of this Congress, Judge Thapar.
In 2008, Judge Thapar became the first-ever South Asian American Article III Judge and if confirmed now, he’ll only be the second ever South Asian American judge to serve on an appellate court.
Congratulations to you Judge Thapar and to your family and welcome to the Committee.
I’m disappointed we couldn’t go forward with Mr. Delrahim’s hearing this morning. We are still waiting on one piece of paperwork, which we understood we’d have by now. And I imagine that will be transmitted to us within another day or two, and we look forward to including him on our next hearing.