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Executive Business Meeting

Type: Executive Business Meeting
Time: 09:30am
Location: SD 226
There is no video broadcast for this event.

An Executive Business Meeting has been scheduled by the Committee on the Judiciary, for
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 9:30 a.m., in the Senate Dirksen Building, Room 226.

By order of the Chairman


Executive Business Meeting
Senate Judiciary Committee
226 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 9:30 a.m.

I. Nominations

Claude A. Allen
to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit

David W. McKeague
to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit

Richard A. Griffin
to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit

Virginia Maria Hernandez Covington
to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Florida

Michael H. Schneider, Sr., of Texas
to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas

David E. Nahmias, of Georgia
to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia

Robert Clark Corrente
to be United States Attorney for the District of Rhode Island

Ricardo H. Hinojosa
to be Chair of the United States Sentencing Commission

Michael O'Neill
to be a Member of the United States Sentencing Commission

Ruben Castillo
to be a Member of the United States Sentencing Commission

II. Legislation

S. 1635, L-1 Visa (Intracompany Transferee) Reform Act of 2003

S.J. Res. 4, Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States Act of 2003
[Hatch, Feinstein, Craig, Sessions, DeWine, Grassley, Graham, Cornyn, Chambliss, Specter, Kyl]

S. 1700, Advancing Justice through DNA Technology Act of 2003
[Hatch, Biden, Specter, Leahy, DeWine, Feinstein, Kennedy, Schumer, Durbin, Kohl, Edwards]

S. 2396, Federal Courts Improvement Act of 2004
[Hatch, Leahy, Chambliss, Durbin, Schumer]

S. Res. 401, A resolution designating the week of November 7 through November 13, 2004, as "National Veterans Awareness Week" to emphasize the need to develop educational programs regarding the contributions of veterans to the country of 2004
[Biden, Chambliss, Cornyn, Durbin, Feingold, Feinstein, Graham, Grassley, Kennedy, Sessions, Specter]

S. Con. Res. 109, A concurrent resolution commending the United States Institute of Peace on the occasion of its 20th anniversary and recognizing the Institute for its contribution to international conflict resolution of 2004
[Inouye, Harkin, Warner]

S. Res. 404, A resolution designating August 9, 2004, as "Smokey [the] Bear's 60th Anniversary" of 2004
[Smith, Feinstein, Bingaman, Burns]

S. Res. 407, A resolution designating October 15, 2004, as "National Mammography Day" of 2004
[Biden, Craig, DeWine, Durbin, Edwards, Feinstein, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Kennedy, Kohl, Schumer, Specter]

Member Statements