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Grassley Statement at Committee Executive Business Meeting

Prepared Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Executive Business Meeting
February 8, 2018
Good morning. Today, we will consider several nominations. We also have the sentencing reform bill on the agenda for the first time today.
I understand that Senator Feinstein has to leave before 11 today, so I’ll keep my remarks short and ask that when we have enough Members here to vote, we do that. And of course, I’ll stay to listen to any Members who would like to speak after we vote.
Several judicial nominees are on the agenda for the first time and the Minority has requested that they be held over. So, the following nominees are held over:
-          Michael Brennan, Seventh Circuit
-          Susan Baxter, Western District of Pennsylvania
-          Daniel Domenico, District of Colorado
-          Marilyn Horan, District of Pennsylvania
-          Adam Klein, to be Chairman and Member of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Also on the agenda is the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2017. The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act is a bipartisan bill that cuts costs, optimizes the criminal justice system, reduces recidivism, and increases public safety. A number of members of this committee are co-sponsors of the bill including Senators Durbin, Lee, Feinstein, Graham, Whitehouse, Flake, Leahy, Crapo, Blumenthal and Booker.
This bill will be held over and I’ll save my remarks on it for next week.
I’ll now turn to Senator Feinstein for any remarks.
