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Feinstein: Congress Must Ensure All Voters Have Access to Early Voting, Mail-In Ballots

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on the need for early and absentee voting during the coronavirus pandemic:

“Wisconsin’s primary, which went ahead on Tuesday despite the governor’s call to delay it, should be a wake-up call that Congress must act to ensure all voters can safely cast a ballot in November if the coronavirus pandemic is still active or recurring. In Wisconsin, we saw long lines of voters wearing facemasks and standing in crowds, essentially risking their lives to vote. We can’t let that happen in other primaries or in November.

“Expanded early voting and widely expanded absentee vote-by-mail is the clear path forward to protect everyone’s health during this crisis. It will decrease crowds at polling locations that are already overloaded and allow more voters to safely cast their ballots remotely.

“We must begin preparing now for the general election. I’m working with my colleagues to increase funding for election assistance grants to help states implement vote-by-mail measures and build out their early voting infrastructure. The legitimacy of our democracy, as well as the health and safety of the public, depends on it.”
