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Durbin Questions Judicial Nominees in Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON – During today’s Senate Judiciary Committee nominations hearing, U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, questioned Julie Rikelman, nominee to be U.S. Circuit Judge forthe First Circuit, and Maria Araújo Kahn, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit. Durbin began his questioning by asking Ms. Rikelman about her role as lead litigator in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

“You have spent half of your career as an advocate, protecting access to reproductive rights for all Americans at the Center forReproductive Rights. But now you have been nominated to set aside your advocacy and serve as a federal judge. How do you understand the difference between serving as an advocate and serving as a judge?” Durbin asked Ms. Rikelman.

Recalling her parents’ decision to move her family to the U.S. from Ukraine, Ms. Rikelman shared her deeply-rooted respect for the rule of law in this country. She noted that her 25 year career working in the legal field has demonstrated the different roles of a legal advocate and a federal judge. She explained that an advocate presents the best possible arguments on behalf of their client, while a judge examines all arguments with an open mind. She reaffirmed her commitment to serving as an impartial judge. 

Durbin then shifted his questioning to Judge Kahn, asking her to discuss her work as lead investigator and prosecutor in United States v. Yalincak. The case centered on a former New York University (NYU) student scamming the university into luring sophisticated investors in a fraudulent hedge fund, called the Daedalus fund, which defrauded investors of approximately $11.5 million. 

“Tell us about your approach to the investigation and prosecution of that case,”Durbin inquired.

Judge Kahn noted that the primary defendant was a 21-year-old NYU student, drawing national attention to the case. She explained that she was actively investigating the fund by reaching out to investors as the defendant was still running the scheme.

Durbin asked Judge Kahn how the national attention the case had garnered impacted her approach to prosecuting the defendant.

Judge Kahn reflected on the difficulty of pleading the case in the public eye, but she emphasized that she is always guided by the facts of a case when she is prosecuting. She reiterated that her focus remains on the proper application of the law. 

Video of Durbin’s questioning of Ms. Rikelman and Judge Kahn in Committee is available here.

Audio of Durbin’s questioning of Ms. Rikelman and Judge Kahn in Committee is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s questioning of Ms. Rikelman and Judge Kahn in Committee is available here.
