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Feinstein Announces Supreme Court Nomination Witnesses

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today announced the Democratic witnesses for the Supreme Court nomination hearing:

Panel One:

  • Congressman Cedric Richmond, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, who will speak on affirmative action, civil rights and voting rights
  • Rochelle Garza, a lawyer who assisted a pregnant undocumented minor obtain an abortion over Judge Kavanaugh’s objections
  • Elizabeth Weintraub, a developmentally disabled woman who will address the importance of medical decision making
  • Alicia Baker, an ordained minister in Indiana who was denied access to contraception by a health insurance company because of its religious views
  • Melissa Murray, a professor of law at the New York University School of Law who will speak about access to reproductive care in underserved communities

Panel Two:

  • Aalayah Eastmond, a survivor of the Parkland, Fla., mass shooting
  • Jackson Corbin from Hanover, Penn., who will speak about the Affordable Care Act and coverage of pre-existing conditions
  • Hunter LaChance from Kennebunk, Maine, who will speak on the need for responsible environmental regulation
  • Melissa Smith, a social studies teacher at the U.S. Grant Public High School in Oklahoma City who will speak about the need for labor rights and the importance of strong public schools

Panel Three:

  • John Dean, President Nixon’s White House counsel, who will speak about the abuse of executive power
  • Rebecca Ingber, an associate professor of law at the Boston University School of Law who will speak about the intersection of national security, international law and executive authority
  • Lisa Heinzerling, a professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center who will speak to the real world consequences of favoring corporations over the environment, worker safety and gun safety
  • Peter Shane, a professor of law at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law who will speak about executive power and how the president is not above the law