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Feinstein Applauds Salesforce Joining Effort to End Gun Violence

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on Salesforce’s decision to bar retailers from using its software to sell military-style assault weapons:

“I applaud Salesforce for helping keep dangerous assault weapons off our streets. Corporations are stepping up and filling the void left by Republicans who refuse to act on gun violence. This is a new beginning!

“Large retailers like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart have stopped selling assault weapons and raised the minimum age to purchase firearms from 18 to 21. Even clothing companies, like Levi Strauss and Toms Shoes, are doing their part by donating millions to gun safety organizations.

“Now Salesforce, one of the largest providers of e-commerce software, has joined the effort by barring retailers from using its software to sell military-style assault weapons, including those capable of accepting high-capacity magazines or being fitted with bump stocks.

“It’s far past time for action. If corporations aren’t afraid to address the gun violence epidemic, then neither should Republicans. They should stop standing in the way of meaningful legislation, like raising the minimum age to purchase firearms and banning military assault weapons, to end gun violence.”
