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Feinstein: ‘Attacks on Religious Institutions Cannot be Countenanced’

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement on Saturday’s shooting at a synagogue in Poway, Calif.:

            “The shooting at Congregation Chabad was the second shooting at a U.S. synagogue in six months. I fervently hope it’s the last.

            “Attacks on religious institutions cannot be countenanced. Period.

            “Millions of people came to the United States to worship as they choose, and our government has always maintained that standard: freedom of religion. America stands for openness and tolerance, and those values suffer greatly from these terrible shootings.

            “These attacks serve to establish an increasing precedent for violence for those who may have a gripe, grievance or fanatical hatred. But they cannot be rationalized. And all Americans must come together and say ‘No more.’ ”
