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Feinstein: Expansion of Global Gag Rule Attacks Women’s Rights

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement after the Trump administration expanded its global gag rule to ban aid to nongovernmental organizations that financially support other organizations that provide or promote abortion services:

            “The Mexico City policy, also known as the global gag rule, prohibits the U.S. government from funding nongovernmental organizations that provide abortion services. President Trump reinstated this policy in January 2017 after it was rescinded by President Obama eight years earlier.

            “Today, the Trump administration doubled down by expanding the scope of the global gag rule to include all organizations that have any dealings with groups providing abortion services, even for unrelated health crises. This not only means that millions of women will likely lose access to safe reproductive care, it also means the U.S. government will likely cut off funding to groups that provide unrelated health services for AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, even nutrition and hygiene programs.

            “This is yet another effort to undermine a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. These decisions should be between patients and their doctors. I hope the Trump administration reconsiders this policy and doesn’t cut off lifesaving funds from global health groups.”
