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Feinstein, Harris Applaud Senate Passage of Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitic Attack at the Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Washington – Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) on Thursday applauded the approval of a resolution condemning the recent anti-Semitic attack on worshippers at the Chabad of Poway Synagogue.

S. Res. 231, Condemning the horrific Anti-Semitic Attack on the Chabad of Poway Synagogue near San Diego, California, on April 27, 2019, was introduced in May by Feinstein and Harris.

The resolution condemns anti-Semitism, white supremacy, white nationalism, and other forms of hatred antithetical to the American values of dignity and respect of all people. The resolution also honors the memory of Lori Gilbert Kaye, who was killed in the attack, and recognizes the first responders and law enforcement officials who rushed to the scene to provide assistance.

“The attack on Congregation Chabad tragically ended a life and struck at the values of our country. This resolution makes clear that hate and anti-Semitism have no place in America. The combination of hate and easy access to firearms has cost too many lives, and it is well past time for action,” said Sen. Feinstein. “As we see a rise in hate crimes in this country, we must do more than just remember the victims of this tragedy. We must do all we can to make sure it does not happen again.”

“We must be very clear that anti-Semitism—and all forms of bigotry and hate—have no place in our country. The shooting in Poway is but one in the latest series of horrifying attacks in places where Americans should feel safe,” said Sen. Harris. “I am glad my colleagues in the Senate came together today to send a message that acts of hate will not be tolerated. We as a nation must continue to honor those who were killed and injured in this horrific attack, speak out against white nationalism and white supremacy, and continue to work together to build a country that is inclusive of all.”

For text of the full resolution, click here.
