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Feinstein: John Bolton Must Testify

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on press reports that John Bolton said President Trump told him he was withholding security aid to Ukraine until the country agreed to investigate his political rivals:

            “Last night’s New York Times article indicates that John Bolton, in his forthcoming book, claims that President Trump told him that he was withholding appropriated security funds for Ukraine until the country would investigate his political opponents.

            “This is a bombshell and yet another reason why John Bolton must testify before the Senate, something Bolton signaled he’s willing to do.

            “There’s no question that John Bolton is a vital fact witness for this impeachment trial. He has knowledge of facts – specifically the president’s personal involvement and motives for withholding vital U.S. military aid from Ukraine. His knowledge goes to the heart of the first article of impeachment, that the president abused the power of the presidency for personal political gain. We must hear from John Bolton directly now and not wait until March to learn what he writes in his book.

            “If the Senate doesn’t call on John Bolton to testify, it will become even more clear to all Americans that this trial was never intended to be legitimate. A trial without documents or witnesses isn’t a trial at all.

            “I hope enough of my Republican colleagues join with Democrats later this week and vote to hear from pertinent witnesses like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney, who also has firsthand knowledge of the president’s actions. We took an oath to do impartial justice, and we can only do that if we have all the facts.”
