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Feinstein on McCabe IG report

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on a Justice Department IG report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:

            “I understand the IG report faulted Andrew McCabe for a ‘lack of candor’ about his contacts with the media as he defended himself, his wife and the FBI against false press reports. I can’t disregard his actions, but I’m disappointed the context wasn’t given more weight.

            “The rush to fire McCabe late on a Friday night, just hours before he was to retire, casts a tremendous shadow over the integrity of this process. There’s really no way to look at McCabe’s firing other than overtly political.

            “These events are particularly disturbing given recent reports that President Trump is considering firing other DOJ officials who he believes are failing to protect him.

            “The pattern by the White House to intimidate and malign law enforcement professionals and potential witnesses in Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation grows more and more troubling. The constant attacks on the individuals and institutions that uphold the rule of law and our Constitution must stop.”
