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Feinstein on Nominations Hearing

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today issued the following statement on today’s nominations hearing:

“Before last week, the Judiciary Committee had never held a nominations hearing during an extended recess without the minority’s consent. In fact, the Judiciary Committee is the only committee holding hearings before the election. To be clear, Democrats did not agree to hold hearings when the Senate was adjourned.

“Today’s hearing is the eighth held this Congress with two circuit court nominees—each held over the objection of Democrats. This happened just three times during the entire eight years of the Obama administration—each time in consultation with Republicans.

“Today’s hearing includes a controversial nominee, Eric Miller, who does not have blue slips from Senators Maria Cantwell or Patty Murray. This is just the second nominee in history advanced over the objection of both home-state senators. Senators Cantwell and Murray have made clear they were not consulted on this nomination, which bypassed the bipartisan process in their state.

“Republicans are breaking every norm to stack the courts with young, ideological nominees who will undermine the rights and protections of all Americans for generations to come.”
