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Feinstein on Trump DACA Statements

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today issued the following statement on the president’s false statements on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA):

“President Trump unilaterally rescinded DACA. At the White House, I asked him to support a clean DACA bill. He immediately agreed. A day later, he walked that commitment back and has ultimately opposed every single bipartisan bill to protect Dreamers.

“Now it appears that President Trump does not have even the most basic understanding of the DACA program. In order to qualify for the DACA program, you must have lived in the United States since at least 2007. Recent arrivals are not eligible for protection from deportation under DACA. The DACA program is not encouraging people to cross illegally into the United States.

“Democrats worked in good faith for months to come to an agreement to protect Dreamers. We agreed to support flawed bills that included provisions we oppose, like funding for the border wall, to get it done. But the president still said ‘no.’ Democrats are going to keep working to protect Dreamers. We will not walk away as the president has.”
