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Feinstein on Trump Investigation Developments

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement on developments related to investigations of President Trump’s campaign:

“In April 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump famously said he would hire the ‘best people.’ He failed to meet that standard as a candidate and is failing to do so as president.

“At least a dozen Cabinet members and senior aides have either resigned, been fired or saw failed confirmations under clouds of corruption, scandal and suspicion. The president has also removed numerous law enforcement officials for not kowtowing to him, and he continues to exact revenge on his critics. And now, key members of the president’s inner circle are being convicted of felonies or outright admitting to them.

“The most shocking development came when the president’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations and other crimes to influence the 2016 presidential election.

“In his plea agreement, Cohen said President Trump directed hush money payments of campaign dollars to women the president slept with in an effort to influence the 2016 campaign. If true, this means the president also violated campaign finance laws.

“As investigations delve deeper into President Trump’s world, we’re seeing just how rotten his campaign truly was. And as more and more top officials leave the White House, we’re finding out his version of the executive branch is no better. He’s hollowing out the White House and the country stands to lose as a result.

“With another election just weeks away, it’s critically important that these investigations be allowed to run their course. We must get to the bottom of this, both to hold people accountable and to make sure it never happens again.”
