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Feinstein On Trump, Republican Attacks on Rule of Law

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on attacks on the Justice Department and Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation:

“President Trump’s repeated attempts to undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation are unprecedented. He’s now demanding that the Justice Department convene a partisan briefing to share highly-classified information about an open and ongoing counterterrorism and criminal investigation with Republican members of Congress. This is alarming and threatens the independence of the special counsel.

“Holding this meeting puts a criminal investigation and national security sources at risk. While Democrats strongly oppose this meeting, to allow only Republicans to access information makes the purpose of the meeting clear—to support continued attacks on law enforcement and the special counsel’s investigation. Republicans in Congress need to put their country over their party and work in a bipartisan way to protect the rule of law.

“With the investigation yielding 22 indictments and the president’s personal lawyer facing serious legal jeopardy, we’ve hit a new low. President Trump and his political allies have resorted to attacking potential witnesses in counterterrorism and criminal cases. Instead of defending law enforcement sources and whistleblowers, Republicans in Congress and the White House are trying to expose potential evidence and attack witnesses who did the right thing and came forward. It’s time stop the partisanship and let law enforcement do its job.”
