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Feinstein Slams Plan to Rush Supreme Court Nominee Hearing

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on reports that Republicans plan to rush through hearings for a Supreme Court nominee:

“If press reports are accurate that Republicans want to hold hearings just two weeks after the replacement for Justice Ginsburg’s seat is named, it’s further proof they have no interest in a full and proper review and just want to jam the nominee through.

“The last six Supreme Court nominees have seen an average of almost eight weeks between their nomination and hearing. That’s so offices can review the many thousands or even millions of pages of material to fully vet a candidate.

“This entire process is a charade. This president shouldn’t even be nominating a replacement to Justice Ginsburg’s seat so close to an election. Republicans are only compounding that mistake by rushing the process.”
