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Feinstein Statement on Asylum Law Changes

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement in reaction to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to unilaterally change asylum law:

"People seeking asylum in this country are among the most vulnerable. Victims of domestic violence have endured unspeakable trauma that’s driven them to travel thousands of miles, many on foot. They deserve an opportunity to make their asylum case in court. That’s not just my opinion—that’s what’s required under domestic and international law. Instead, they are being greeted with hostility and their children are being taken away.

“Despite less than 20 percent of asylum cases being granted, Attorney General Sessions unilaterally decided that domestic violence victims can no longer seek safety in the United States, even if their home countries can’t or won’t protect them. This is despicable and should be immediately reversed.”
