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Feinstein Statement on Ginsburg Death

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement on the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the need to wait until after the presidential inauguration to take action on a replacement:

“The country lost a truly amazing woman tonight with the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She may have been small of stature but she was an absolute giant of jurisprudence.

“Justice Ginsburg was a trailblazer for women. She was a once-in-a-generation legal mind and a passionate champion for the rights of all Americans. Simply put, she was an extraordinary person whose passing is a loss to the nation.

“Justice Ginsburg was trusted by women, by minorities, by all Americans to stand up for their rights. She wrote eloquent decisions and fiery dissents that placed her among the most eloquent of justices. Over her 27 years on the Supreme Court she was known as a liberal lion, but also as a kind, compassionate judge who understood the plight of everyone who came before the court.

“Health challenges plagued Justice Ginsburg’s later years, but as with all aspects of her life she put her head down and forged ahead. Her ability to cope with cancer while still serving as a driving force on the court was a real testament to her strength and force of will. She’ll be missed by a grateful nation.

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“Under no circumstances should the Senate consider a replacement for Justice Ginsburg until after the presidential inauguration. Senator McConnell made his position clear in 2016 when he held Justice Scalia’s seat vacant for 10 months so he could deny President Obama an appointment – a goal he himself admitted.

“Merrick Garland was nominated to fill Scalia’s seat on March 16, 2016 – 237 days before the presidential election. Today, we’re just 46 days away from an election. To jam through a lifetime appointment to the country’s highest court – particularly to replace an icon like Justice Ginsburg – would be the height of hypocrisy.

“It has been reported that Justice Ginsburg’s wish was that the winner of the upcoming election nominate her successor. We should all honor that wish and wait until after the presidential inauguration to take action.”
