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Feinstein Statement on New Report on Trump Organization Foreign Deals

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on a report by Global Witness on the Trump Organization’s foreign deals:

“A new report released yesterday on the Trump Organization’s operations in the Dominican Republic shows the need for greater oversight of the president’s business and financial dealings.

“President Trump promised that the Trump Organization would not pursue new foreign business deals during his presidency. He has not kept that promise, with his company pursuing luxury real-estate deals in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere.

“The Trump Organization’s pursuit of business abroad creates glaring conflicts of interest, with the president’s foreign policy decisions potentially being influenced by his personal financial interests. Foreign governments may also make decisions affecting the Trump Organization with the goal of receiving favorable treatment from the Trump administration.

“Our founding fathers drafted the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution to prevent this situation. They did not want foreign governments to be able to put financial pressure on the president.

“The report also raises questions about taxpayer dollars being used to support business trips taken by the president’s children. For example, media reports indicate that Donald Trump Jr.’s trip to India in February cost taxpayers almost $100,000. Eric Trump’s trip to Uruguay last year cost an additional $100,000. And the Trump brothers’ 2017 trip to the United Arab Emirates to open a golf course cost more than $200,000.

“We’ve asked the Government Accountability Office to determine the cost of these trips, and are working to ensure more transparency in Secret Service expense reports. The American people deserve to know how taxpayer dollars are supporting the president’s personal business.”
