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Feinstein Statement on Protected Status for Hondurans and Nicaraguans

WashingtonSenate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on temporary protected status for Nicaraguans and Hondurans:

“I’m disappointed that the Department of Homeland Security terminated protected status for Nicaraguan nationals without a legislative solution in place. Many of these residents have lived, worked and raised children in the United States for nearly two decades. They have established deep roots in their communities.

“I’m also concerned about the fate of Honduran nationals with protected status. Honduras continues to be plagued by horrific gang violence and has the one of the highest murder rates in the world. According to the CIA World Fact Book, Hondurans face extreme violence, extortion and forced recruitment by transnational gangs. As a country, we shouldn’t force people to return to a potentially deadly environment.

“Hondurans and Nicaraguans living in the United States should be protected from deportation until their home countries stabilize. If the administration won’t use its discretion, Congress must act.”
