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Feinstein Statement on Supreme Court Decision on California Law Ensuring Accurate Information Regarding Women’s Health

Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement in reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision holding that California’s law requiring women be provided accurate medical information likely violates the First Amendment:

“The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision further undermines women’s ability to control their own bodies and make informed decisions, giving so-called ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ carte blanche to give women misleading and incomplete information about their health care.

“It’s disturbing that the court deemed it acceptable under the First Amendment to knowingly give patients inadequate and misleading medical information. The court’s conservative majority placed the First Amendment rights of corporations over the rights of women to make decisions about their own health care—and that begins with having accurate, medically-sound information.

"California has a strong interest in ensuring women have accurate information about how to get care and their rights under our laws, and I strongly disagree that ensuring women have access to factual information violates the First Amendment.”
