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Feinstein to Californians: Please Complete Census Forms This Weekend

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on the need for everyone living in the United States to complete the 2020 census:

“There are now just five days left to complete the 2020 census, a tool that is critical to ensure proper funding and representation for all California communities.

“This hasn’t been a typical census year. In California, wildfires have displaced families and made it harder to locate many individuals. And a global pandemic made it difficult to conduct in-person counts, necessary when people don’t fill out their census forms.

“The Trump administration last year tried to add a citizenship question to the census form to drive down responses. And more recently, the White House decided to end collection efforts a month earlier than originally planned.

“Despite all those obstacles, we absolutely must obtain an accurate count. I implore any Californian who hasn’t yet completed their census form to do so as quickly as possible.

“The Constitution is clear: Every 10 years, everyone living in the United States – regardless of age, race, ethnicity or citizenship status – must be counted. This count allows accurate allocation of federal resources and ensures equitable representation in Congress. So please do your part for a complete and accurate count.”

Census Resources:

  • The 2020 Census form can be completed online at or by calling 844-330-2020 for English speakers or 844-468-2020 for Spanish speakers.

  • The Census Bureau also offers web pages and guides in 59 non-English languages, including American Sign Language, as well as guides in Braille and large print. Additional information is available at