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Judiciary Committee Democrats: Reopen Kavanaugh FBI Background Investigation

Washington—All 10 Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today urged White House Counsel Don McGahn to request that the FBI reopen Brett Kavanaugh’s background investigation.

            The senators wrote: “It is our understanding that the FBI conducts background investigations of nominees at the White House’s request. Accordingly, the President can request an appropriate follow-up, even after a background investigation may be closed. We ask that the President immediately do so here.”

            Full text of the letter follows:

September 17, 2018


Donald F. McGahn, II
Counsel to the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. McGahn:

            We are writing to ask that you confirm that the White House has directed the FBI to perform its due diligence and conduct an investigation into Dr. Ford’s credible allegations of serious misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh. 

            Ranking Member Feinstein referred Dr. Ford’s allegations on September 12th and followed up on September 14th asking for confirmation that the FBI was investigating these allegations. To date, there has not been a response.

            It is our understanding that the FBI conducts background investigations of nominees at the White House’s request.  Accordingly, the President can request an appropriate follow-up, even after a background investigation may be closed.  We ask that the President immediately do so here.

            We take these allegations extremely seriously and believe it is in the best interest of all parties to have a thorough examination by FBI career professionals with the requisite investigative expertise.  Since Dr. Ford has come forward there have been reports of medical documentation and other witnesses, as well as her own account.  It is clear these allegations require a thorough examination and we request your immediate confirmation that the FBI will be re-opening its review.


Dianne Feinstein
Ranking Member

Patrick J. Leahy
United States Senator

Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator

Sheldon Whitehouse
United States Senator

Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator

Christopher A. Coons
United States Senator

Richard Blumenthal
United States Senator

Mazie K. Hirono
United States Senator

Cory A. Booker
United States Senator

Kamala D. Harris
United States Senator
