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What They Are Saying: Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland Deserves Swift Confirmation Following Strong Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON – In his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judge Merrick Garland demonstrated his clear commitment to restoring integrity and the rule of law, combating white supremacy and domestic terrorism, boosting morale of the dedicated career professionals at the Department of Justice, and building a more equitable justice system. His nomination has received bipartisan support from lawmakers, legal experts, law enforcement, national security experts, and civil rights advocates. Following yesterday’s conclusion of Judge Garland’s nomination hearing to be the next U.S. Attorney General, the Senate must move swiftly to confirm him.

Here’s what they’re saying about Garland’s nomination hearing:

Politico­ - Garland cruises through confirmation hearing as GOP support solidifies

President Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Justice Department, D.C. Circuit Judge Merrick Garland, appears to be coasting towards easy confirmation after a relatively low-key outing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday… there was little acrimony and many Democrats and Republicans on the panel appeared to treat his confirmation almost as a foregone conclusion.

Washington Post - Merrick Garland tells senators Capitol riot investigation will be his first priority as attorney general

His remarks made clear that his tenure will be defined by how he responds to the Jan. 6 riot, which resulted in the deaths of a police officer and four others, and to the broader threat it exposed. “We are facing a more dangerous period than we faced in Oklahoma City at that time,” Garland asserted, promising that the ongoing investigation would center not just on the rioters, but on those who aided them.

CNN - Garland vows at confirmation hearing to keep politics out of DOJ while drawing bipartisan praise

Garland was praised by Republicans and Democrats alike in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, where he faced questions about the politically charged investigations that await him if confirmed to lead the Justice Department… Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said he expected to vote for Garland. "That's my intention," Cornyn said. "I think he's had an incredible career. And I think he seems like a fundamentally decent human being."

New York Times - Garland, at Confirmation Hearing, Vows to Fight Domestic Extremism

Judge Merrick B. Garland, President Biden’s nominee for attorney general, said on Monday that the threat from domestic extremism was greater today than at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, and he pledged that if confirmed he would make the federal investigation into the Capitol riot his first priority.

USA Today - Witnesses praise Merrick Garland, Joe Biden's pick for attorney general; confirmation vote expected next week

All five witnesses at Merrick Garland's confirmation hearing Tuesday praised the judge and former federal prosecutor, signaling his likely bipartisan confirmation next week as President Joe Biden's attorney general.

Washington Post - Merrick Garland lets domestic terrorists know there’s a new sheriff in town

It was a clear message to the violent white supremacists and other domestic terrorists who thrived during the Trump years, most visibly in their attack on the Capitol last month: There’s a new sheriff in town. Garland vowed that domestic terrorism “will be my first priority” as attorney general and promised to “do everything in the power of the Justice Department” to stop it.

CNN - Merrick Garland was asked why he wants the job. See his emotional response

[Merrick Garland]: “I come from a family where my grandparents fled antisemitism and persecution. The country took us in and protected us, and I feel an obligation to the country to pay back."

USA Today - Merrick Garland backed by 4 former attorneys general, including 2 Republicans, ahead of confirmation hearing

Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales, who both served as attorneys general in the George W. Bush administration, were among more than 150 former Justice officials and U.S. attorneys who lauded the federal appeals court judge as "the right person" for a difficult job following the tumult of the Trump administration.

Politico - McConnell to support Garland for attorney general

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will support Merrick Garland’s nomination for attorney general, five years after blocking the judge's path to the Supreme Court. “I do,” McConnell told POLITICO Tuesday afternoon when asked if he plans to back Garland.

Newsweek - Merrick Garland Adds GOP Senator Thom Tillis' Support for AG, Likely Assuring Confirmation

North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis said on Tuesday he will support Merrick Garland's confirmation as the new head of the U.S. Department of Justice… “I have no doubt he will serve with integrity, keeping the best interest of our great country in mind with every decision he makes, and will respect the constitutional rights and liberties of all Americans.”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Sen. Cornyn to vote to confirm Garland for attorney general, despite policy differences

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas plans to vote to confirm [Merrick Garland] for attorney general… “I think he’s an honorable person.”
