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Durbin, Associate Attorney General Gupta, Assistant Attorney General Solomon Visit University of Chicago Crime Lab

CHICAGO – Today, U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, visited the University of Chicago Crime Lab with Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta and Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Amy Solomon at the U.S. Department of Justice. The Lab enhances public safety and advances justice by partnering with communities, cities, and law enforcement agencies to design, test, and scale programs and policies using data and rigorous research.

“It was a pleasure to visit the Lab and show senior leaders at the Department of Justice the innovative research taking place right here in Chicago to help protect the public and curb violence. As gun violence continues to ravage communities across the country, it’s important that we stay laser-focused on strengthening programs and initiatives that have been proven to reduce crime rates, including the many initiatives housed here at the Lab. I appreciate Ms. Ander for graciously hosting us, Associate Attorney General Gupta and Assistant Attorney General Solomon for joining, and the researchers at the Lab for the work they do to improve our community,” said Durbin.

During the meeting, the group discussed a broad range of issues and legislation aimed at public safety and targeted policing reform and accountability. Additionally, they discussed the Crime Lab’s work, presented by Dr. Chico Tillmon, to support and evaluate evidence-driven intervention programs to help reduce gun violence.

Roseanna Ander, the Crime Lab’s Founding Executive Director, testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee field hearing Durbin chaired in Chicago on December 13, 2021, entitled “Combating Gun Trafficking and Reducing Violence in Chicago.” 
