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Durbin Statement on Confirmation of 100th District Court Judge During the Biden Administration

With the confirmation of Natasha Merle to the Eastern District of New York, the Senate has confirmed 100 district court judges, 35 circuit court judges, and one Supreme Court Justice to lifetime appointments on the federal bench

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Natasha Merle to be a United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York, marking 100 district court judges confirmed during the Biden administration. U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement regarding this milestone:

“With the confirmation of Natasha Merle to the Eastern District of New York, the Senate has now confirmed 100 district court judges during the Biden administration. These jurists are bringing balance and impartiality to the courts. Equally as important as the numbers, we are seeing diverse nominees confirmed – in both their professional and demographic backgrounds.

“The confirmations of highly qualified, diverse judges to lifetime appointments on the federal bench is one of this Senate’s great successes. With 17 Article III judges currently pending on the Executive Calendar, the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue advancing nominees who will ensure a fair justice system for all and represent the diversity of America.”

Today’s confirmation continues the Committee’s work filling judicial vacancies with highly qualified, diverse candidates who help ensure the fair and impartial administration of the American justice system. Under the leadership of Chair Durbin, the Senate has confirmed 136 judges to lifetime appointments on the federal bench during the Biden administration.
