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Judiciary Committee Releases Judge Garland's Opening Remarks Ahead of Hearing to be Attorney General

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee released Judge Merrick Garland’s opening statement ahead of his nomination hearing to be U.S. Attorney General on Monday, February 22. 

Key quotes:

“If I am confirmed, serving as Attorney General will be the culmination of a career I have dedicated to ensuring that the laws of our country are fairly and faithfully enforced, and that the rights of all Americans are protected.”

“Almost a century later, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 created the Department's Civil Rights Division, with the mission ‘to uphold the civil and constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly some of the most vulnerable members of our society.’ That mission remains urgent because we do not yet have equal justice. Communities of color and other minorities still face discrimination in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system; and bear the brunt of the harm caused by pandemic, pollution, and climate change.”

“If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6 – a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”

Full text of Judge Garland’s prepared remarks are available here 
