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Bipartisan Kavanaugh Advocates Send Flurry of Letters Supporting Nomination

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee continues to receive a steady stream of letters supporting Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to serve as Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The supporters range from legal professionals from across the political spectrum to faith and community leaders sharing first-hand accounts of the nominee’s character.  Below are just a few of the letters received in recent days.

Bob Bennett, former attorney to President Bill Clinton: “Brett is the most qualified person any Republican President could possibly have nominated. Were the Senate to fail to confirm Brett, it would not only mean passing up the opportunity to confirm a great jurist, but it would also undermine civility in politics twice over: first in playing politics with such an obviously qualified nominee, and then again in losing the opportunity to put such a strong advocate for decency and civility on our Nation’s highest court.”
POLITICO:  President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has picked up an unlikely endorsement: a nod from Bob Bennett, a lawyer to President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky controversy two decades ago.
Members of Harvard Black Law Students Association:The Judge not only graciously offered his time for that panel, but also has continued to mentor numerous Harvard students whom he has taught or worked with in a number of capacities.”
Wash. Free Beacon:  Several members of the Harvard Law School chapter of the Black Law Students Association sent a letter Wednesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee extolling the mentorship they received from Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh and expressing support for his confirmation.
Bipartisan group of Supreme Court Lawyers: "Based on our experience with Judge Kavanaugh and his work over 12 years of distinguished judicial service, we are confident that he possesses the character, temperament and intellect that will make him an asset to our nation’s highest court.
Daily Caller:  A bipartisan coalition of elite Supreme Court lawyers submitted a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee supporting Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Washington Times:  Conservative legal superstars threw their support behind Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh Monday, urging lawmakers to back his confirmation to the high court. The stars include former Solicitor General Paul Clement, former appeals court nominee Miguel Estrada and prominent lawyer Michael Carvin, as well as 38 other members of the Supreme Court’s bar.
Msgr. John Enzler, President of Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.: “I also know him to be someone who is well-loved by his neighbors as ‘the guy next door’ -- no pretense, no need to flout his background or intellectual skills, he just continues to live by those school mottos, doing the best he can in whatever he does, and doing that on behalf of the community in which he lives, and the nation he serves so well.”
Washington Examiner:  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s ties to the Catholic Church and his dedication to faith and family are being singled out for praise by those in the Washington area who have seen him go from altar boy to winning a championship as “Coach K” of a church girls basketball team. In two letters to the Senate Judiciary Committee that next week will begin hearings on the federal appeals court judge and former Bush aide, Kavanaugh was portrayed as an unpretentious “guy next door.”
Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association: “In October of 2017 Judge Kavanaugh rendered a decision in favor of black farmers on the merits of the evidence. We know all too well the challenges and inequalities the black farmers and 1890 Land Grant Universities still face today. Black farmers are entrepreneurs and we, like other black owned businesses, still face a lack of access to capital and markets.”
Washington Examiner:  President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has won the support of a group that advocates for social justice for 17,000 black farmers.
Eighty-Four female colleagues in the Bush Administration: We are women who served with Brett Kavanaugh in White House staff positions during President George W. Bush’s Administration. We are united in our admiration for Judge Kavanaugh as a public servant and as a person. He would be an exceptional Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. We strongly urge the Senate to confirm him promptly.”
The Hill:  The nearly two dozen colleagues note that they saw how Kavanaugh handled his roles as a staff secretary and lawyer. "He was extraordinarily skilled, diligent, and honorable, with a respectful temperament. He demonstrated balance, fairness, careful listening, personal decency and humility, and a gift for unpretentious personal interaction," they wrote.
Local D.C. Basketball Parents: “In addition to his long list of professional and academic accomplishments, we hope that the Committee will also consider Brett Kavanaugh’s contributions as a volunteer youth basketball coach–and the service, selflessness, dedication, and commitment his coaching exhibits–to our community.”
Washingtonian: Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the US Supreme Court got some support Friday from local parents. More than 30 people from DC’s Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Chevy Chase
Concerned Women for America:  “Judge Kavanaugh’s extensive judicial record alone gives a clear and most accurate picture of the type of judge he is. It shows he is a thoughtful, impartial jurist who respects his limited role as set forth by the U.S. Constitution. But beyond that, the unprecedented amount of material available for consideration, outside of his more than 300 opinions, only corroborates that he should be confirmed without delay.”
The Hill: Penny Nance, the CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, told Grassley and Feinstein that it "is time to put aside political maneuverings and consider this nominee on his own merits."
Former colleagues at Kirkland & Ellis law firm: "Although we hold a broad range of political views, we all believe that Brett is well suited by his talent, collegial demeanor, and integrity to be an outstanding justice on the Supreme Court. We strongly support his nomination and urge his confirmation by the Senate.”
Wash. Free Beacon:  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's former colleagues at the Kirkland & Ellis law firm sent a letter Monday to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee urging his confirmation by the Senate.
Yale Law School classmates: "Based on our years of knowing Judge Kavanaugh, we are firmly convinced that his allegiance as a Supreme Court justice would be only to the Constitution and laws of the United States and not to any partisan interests.“
Weekly Standard: About two dozen Yale Law classmates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh say the judge is a fair-minded jurist whose allegiance is not to politics, but to the Constitution. The bipartisan group said that at law school Kavanaugh did not mark himself as “ideological” or “a person with an agenda.” Kavanaugh was and is well-liked and respected, they said, “a thoughtful classmate and loyal friend.”
Former law clerks to Justice Kennedy:If he is confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, we believe that Judge Kavanaugh would continue to serve his country with distinction—like the Justice for whom we clerked.”
The Hill: Seventy-two former Kennedy law clerks voiced their support for Kavanaugh in a Thursday letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) 
Former colleagues in the White House Counsel’s Office:We personally witnessed how Judge Kavanaugh performed his duties as Associate Counsel to the President and as Staff Secretary. He was extraordinarily skilled, diligent, and honorable, with a respectful temperament. He demonstrated balance, fairness, careful listening, personal decency and humility, and a gift for unpretentious personal interaction.”
The Hill:  Twenty one of Kavanaugh's former White House counsel colleagues sent a letter to Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the top two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying that while they don't agree with "every substantive view" of Kavanaugh's they all "agree that Judge Kavanaugh is superbly qualified.

Three Hundred and Eight State Lawmakers:
“Judge Kavanaugh has a proven track record of strict constitutionalism. He applies the law as written. He is a judge who will enforce the text, structure and original understanding of the Constitution.”
The Hill:  Hundreds of state legislators from across the country are urging the Senate to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court. "There is no attribute of Judge Kavanaugh’s character, intellect or life of public service that should preclude his immediate installment to the Supreme Court of the United States," the legislators add. 

Iowa State Lawmakers:We firmly believe the role of a judge in our government is to interpret the law as it is written,” the letter continued. “Judge Kavanaugh has a long record of doing just that and interpreting the Constitution as it was originally intended.”

The Gazette:  All 29 members of the Iowa Senate Republican caucus have signed a letter supporting the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court.
Letters are posted HERE as they are received.
