Committee Releases Third Batch of Kavanaugh Records
Total Public Records Exceeds 124,000 Pages
Judiciary Committee last night released the third tranche of records from Judge
Brett Kavanaugh’s service as a lawyer in the George W. Bush White House.
The release totals more than 21,000 pages, bringing the volume of Judge
Kavanaugh’s public Executive Branch material to more than 124,000 pages.
Office of President Bush has produced more than 174,000 pages of material to
the committee to expedite the committee’s review while the material is prepared
for public release. Last night’s release is the third subset of that material
to become public. It includes:
material is being posted HERE
as it becomes available.
Chairman’s team has already reviewed more than 10,000 pages of the judicial
opinions that Judge Kavanaugh wrote or joined in his 12 years of service on the
D.C. Circuit, more than 17,000 pages of material Judge Kavanaugh submitted
to the committee in response to its bipartisan questionnaire, more
than 174,000 pages of emails and other records from Judge Kavanaugh’s legal
service in the White House and nearly 10,000 pages of documents from his
service in the Office of the Independent Counsel. The committee has
already received a record number of documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s
service as a government lawyer, with more on the way.