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Current, Former Judiciary Chairmen Continue Oversight of Response to Alleged Sale of Human Fetal Tissue

WASHINGTON – Today, current Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and former Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) continued the Committee’s oversight of the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation's response to organizations – including The Planned Parenthood Federation of America – that may have violated laws that ban the buying or selling of human fetal tissue.

Graham and Grassley sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray following up on Grassley’s 2016 referral of eight organizations for investigation and potential prosecution for the alleged sale of human fetal tissue following a 2016 Grassley-led Committee investigation.

Graham and Grassley asked DOJ and FBI a series of questions:

“Preventing the illegal sale of human fetal tissue remains a priority for the Committee.  In furtherance of the Committee’s ongoing oversight of this issue, the Committee asks that you answer the following questions no later than July 2, 2019:

1.      Has the FBI taken any action on the criminal referrals submitted by then-Chairman Grassley?

2.      If the FBI has taken action, please provide an update to the Committee.

3.      If the FBI has not taken action, please explain the justification for not doing so.

4.      Are there any other investigative updates related to this matter that the FBI can share with the Committee at this time?”

Full text of the letter can be found HERE.
