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Graham on Supreme Court Decisions

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made the following statements on decisions at the Supreme Court.

Free Speech and Religious Liberty in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis:

“I support and appreciate the Roberts Court again standing up for free speech and religious liberty.  Participating in commerce does not mean you should have to abandon your faith and individuals should not be compelled, by government, to act counter to their faith.  This decision will reinforce the power of an individual’s free speech and religious rights in our nation.

“State laws, like that in Colorado, which forced people to act contrary to their free speech rights and personal beliefs have been rightly stricken down by the Roberts Court.  I strongly support this decision.” 

Student Loan Forgiveness in Biden v. Nebraska:

“The decision to strike down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness idea was a necessary check on an out of control executive who clearly disregarded the law in order to achieve a political result.  The Biden Administration was unilaterally trying to forgive student loan debt with no sound legal basis.  The idea was all politics and the Court was right to slam dunk the Biden Administration’s overreach.  It’s good to know that hard working Americans will not be forced to pay for student loans they did not take out. 

Final Thoughts on Supreme Court Decisions:

“I have never been prouder of Roberts Court.  The Supreme Court is truly standing up for individual constitutional rights and limited government. 

“Unfortunately, we should prepare for and get ready to witness accelerated attacks on the Supreme Court by radical liberal Democrats angry about these decisions.”
