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Graham, Sinema Bill to Permanently Reauthorize Security for Supreme Court Justices Signed into Law

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Arizona) today made this statement after President Trump signed the Reauthorizing Security for Supreme Court Justices Act (H.R. 4258) into law last week. The bill permanently reauthorizes security for Supreme Court Justices.

The Reauthorizing Security for Supreme Court Justices Act passed Congress in November. Graham and Sinema sponsored the Senate version of the legislation, which Chairman Graham led through the Senate Judiciary Committee in October.

“I am very pleased that President Trump signed our legislation to permanently protect our Supreme Court Justices,” said Graham. “It's very important that our Court be provided the security they need to remain a safe, independent branch of the government.” 

“Permanently renewing the Supreme Court’s security is a smart use of taxpayer dollars and ensures the Court’s police have the resources they need to protect our Justices," said Sinema.

Background on the Reauthorizing Security for Supreme Court Justices Act:

  • Permanent reauthorization provides Supreme Court Police the resources and ability to deal with gaps in security caused by temporary reauthorizations.
  • This legislation allows Justices to be protected domestically and internationally if necessary, mirroring the authority given to the Capitol Police and Secret Service as they protect members of Congress and the President.