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Grassley Applauds Passage of Bill to Protect Young Athletes

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today joined gymnasts who shed light on sexual abuse to discuss a bill to protect young athletes. Grassley co-sponsored S. 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, and convened a hearing in 2017 examining sexual abuse of young athletes.
The bill, which protects young and amateur athletes from sexual abuse through improved reporting requirements, passed the House yesterday and cleared the U.S. Senate today. You can watch Senator Grassley’s remarks at the press conference here or clicking the photo below.
(Video via KABC in Los Angeles)
Prepared Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee
Press Conference on Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017
January 30, 2018
First of all, thank you to Senator Feinstein for her leadership, thanks to the House members as well for their leadership, and the gymnasts: you have made a difference.
This bill’s development illustrates the influence that young people can have when they make their voices heard. So we’re here to say thank you for your bravery, and to a lot of people that aren’t standing here with you. They are with you in heart.
Speaking out on a difficult issue has been central to helping us write a bill to prevent future atrocities.
As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I held a hearing last year on sexual abuse of young athletes.
We heard from multiple gymnasts about the abuses they endured and the breakdown by adults in positons of trust, who failed to intervene. The hearing underscored the need for legislation.
I’m proud to be a co-sponsor and to move that bill through the Judiciary Committee.
And thanks again Senator Feinstein for her leadership and all my colleagues who worked diligently on this bill.
The bill is headed to the President for a signature, because the House passed it yesterday and the Senate today gave it unanimous approval. The bill couldn’t have been done without the voices of the people that are up here and the people that testified in Michigan last week.
Their efforts will help protect young athletes everywhere.
My work as Chairman is not over after the President signs the bill. I will do the oversight that is necessary to make sure that the bill is properly executed.