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Grassley Comments on Supreme Court’s Actions to Reinstate the President’s Ability to Strengthen our National Security

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today made the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would review lower court decisions blocking portions of President Trump’s executive order temporarily pausing admission of refugees and halting visas issued to certain nations known to harbor terrorists. In the meantime, the Court will allow much of the executive order to take effect.
“The federal government’s primary responsibility is to keep Americans safe. This responsibility must also be balanced with defending our constitutional rights. Today’s decision by the Supreme Court to allow much of President Trump’s temporary travel freeze to proceed while it prepares to review lower court rulings recognizes these important priorities. The Court’s decision reaffirms Congress and the President’s constitutional authorities over our nation’s lawful immigration system,” Grassley said.
President Trump’s executive order suspends for 90 says visas to foreign nationals from six terror-prone nations and suspends for 120 days all refugee admissions. These pauses will allow the administration to review the effectiveness of the vetting system and to identify potential abuses by terrorists or other foreign nationals seeking to exploit our refugee and visa programs. The order also blocks visas from six nations identified by the previous administration as terrorist havens. The Supreme Court’s decision today allows the order to continue, except in instances where a foreign national has a close familial relationship or has a formal, documented purpose for entering the United States, such as a job or acceptance at a college or university. The Court is expected to review the lower court decisions in the fall.
