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Grassley Disappointed that Susan Rice Refuses to Help Russian Interference Investigation

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released the following statement after former National Security Adviser Susan Rice declined an invitation to testify at next week’s subcommittee hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 United States Election.

“I am deeply disappointed that Ambassador Rice has declined to participate in this hearing. She is uniquely positioned to help us better understand the issues that will be discussed Monday. Her choice stands in stark contrast to other former high-ranking national security officials like former Director Clapper and former Deputy Attorney General Yates. Senator Graham and Senator Whitehouse have taken great care to conduct a meaningful and productive hearing. Declining to attend because you didn't get an invite from a member of your party is a poor excuse and makes it appear as though she’s hiding something. No investigation will be complete until her role is understood. I agree with Ranking Member Feinstein that Rice should reconsider.”