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Grassley, Durbin Introduce Resolution Designating September as National Democracy Month

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today introduced a Senate resolution designating September 2021 as National Democracy Month. The resolution asks Americans to reflect on the contributions of the system of government of the United States to a more free and stable world.
“Our founding fathers were tasked with a great responsibility to help shape our democratic republic. Today, I look back and see that, through everything, our government institutions have held strong,” Grassley said. “We must not lose sight of our founding principles, which unite all Americans and are the driving force helping us achieve a more perfect union. I’m proud to author this resolution with Senator Durbin as a sign that, despite partisan differences, we all share a desire to maintain our strong democratic values for generations to come.”
“In some of his final words to us, Congressman John Lewis said, ‘Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself.’ Our bipartisan resolution is a call to action to all Americans to continue to strive for our democratic ideals. I’m proud to introduce this resolution with Senator Grassley and hope the Senate can come together soon to pass it,” Durbin said.

Full text of the resolution can be found HERE.