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Grassley, Durbin: More Temporary Work Visas Harm American Workers

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senator Dick Durbin today made the following statement regarding the announced rule providing for 15,000 additional H-2B visas for temporary seasonal work during the remainder of fiscal year 2017.
“While there may be legitimate needs among employers who rely on H-2B workers in certain sectors of the economy, a growing body of evidence shows that our increasing reliance on the H-2B visa program hurts wages for American workers, and puts their jobs at risk. New research suggests that wages in some H-2B fields have been stagnant for years. The Administration’s decision to increase the number of H-2B visas will only exacerbate this problem.”
Grassley and Durbin previously wrote to the Department of Homeland Security raising concerns about the H-2B program.
