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Grassley, Durbin: New H-1B Oversight Measures a Welcomed Step

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the bipartisan authors of legislation to reform visa programs for skilled foreign workers, made the following statement regarding U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ announcement to prevent fraud and abuse in the H-1B program.
“The H-1B worker visa program was created to fill gaps in the high-skilled American workforce, not to displace American workers. Yet, stories of employers who abuse or exploit the H-1B program at the expense of American workers are well documented. This announcement by the Trump Administration to target employers who abuse the H-1B program is a welcomed first step toward preventing the firing of skilled American workers. However, much more needs to be done. The President should continue using his authority to prevent outsourcing companies from displacing American workers. Congress also has a role to play in this endeavor, and we will continue to work together to codify needed reforms to protect American workers, prevent outsourcing and promote fairness in the program.”
Grassley and Durbin introduced legislation in January to restore Congress’ original intent in the H-1B and L-1 visa programs by increasing enforcement, modifying wage requirements and securing protections for both American workers and visa holders.
