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Grassley, Durbin Statements on First Step Act Passing House

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), authors of the First Step Act, released the following statement after the House of Representatives approved the landmark criminal justice reform bill by a vote of 358-36.
“Today’s overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives brings us one step closer to once-in-a-generation criminal justice reform.  I commend my colleagues in the House, especially Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Ranking Member Jerry Nadler, as well as Congressman Doug Collins and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, for their leadership and engagement on the First Step Act, and for helping to get this bipartisan bill to President Trump. After years of hard work and dedication, Congress has notched a big victory for families, taxpayers, fairness and justice,” Grassley said.
“By passing this legislation through Congress, we will now finally begin to make our justice system fairer, relieve our overcrowded prisons, redirect funding to our most pressing crime prevention efforts, and make our communities safer.  I commend my colleagues in the House of Representatives, especially Representatives Jerry Nadler, Sheila Jackson Lee, Hakeem Jeffries, Bob Goodlatte, and Doug Collins, for their spirit of cooperation on this important piece of legislation, and I look forward to it becoming the law of the land,” Durbin said.
The First Step Act was approved by the Senate on Tuesday, and now must be signed into law by President Trump, who has endorsed the bill.
More on the First Step Act HERE.
