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Grassley, Feinstein Extremely Disappointed with Comey’s Refusal to Testify before Judiciary Committee

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein today released the following statement after former FBI Director James Comey declined a bipartisan invitation to testify before the committee regarding the circumstances surrounding his removal, stating he will instead testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee:
“We’re extremely disappointed in James Comey’s decision not to testify voluntarily before the Judiciary Committee. There is no reason he can’t testify before both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, particularly given that the Judiciary Committee is the FBI’s primary oversight committee with broad jurisdiction over federal law enforcement, FISA and the nomination of the next FBI director. Given his commitment to the people and the mission of the FBI, we expected him to be responsive to the senators responsible for vetting its next proposed leader. He should reconsider his decision.”
