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Grassley, Feinstein Seek Additional Records from Trump Campaign

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) requested that the Trump Campaign search for and provide additional documents to assist in the Committee’s ongoing investigation into matters related to Russian interference in American elections.
The Trump Campaign has provided more than 28,000 pages of documents to the Committee following keyword searches of emails of 21 campaign associates. Following a recent bipartisan witness interview, the Senators requested that the Trump Campaign conduct a similar search of communications involving John Mashburn and Rick Dearborn, which were not included in the initial document search.
Grassley’s and Feinstein’s letter requesting the additional document search follows:
March 27, 2018
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Benjamin L. Ginsberg, Esq.
Jones Day
51 Louisiana Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20001
Dear Mr. Ginsberg:
On July 19, 2017, we wrote to the Trump Campaign seeking documents.  The Campaign has since provided over 28,000 pages of responsive documents, as well as letters detailing the 21 campaign custodians whose emails were searched and the more than 300 search terms used.  We appreciate the Campaign’s efforts to comply with the Committee’s document request, including your willingness to use “additional terms that the Judiciary Committee believes are necessary to capture all documents within the scope of its request.”  We are writing today because we believe information obtained in a recent Committee interview warrants expanding those searches to two additional custodians who were not included in the original effort, John Mashburn and Rick Dearborn.  Doing so will help ensure the Campaign’s production fully responds to the categories of documents sought in the Committee’s initial letter.
The Committee has determined that obtaining their responsive emails, or at least ensuring that adequate searches have been conducted that would cover these communications, is necessary for its investigative work.  Accordingly, we ask that you apply the full list of search terms you previously identified to the additional custodians Mr. Mashburn and Mr. Dearborn.[1]  Please provide all responsive documents by April 12, 2018.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  If you believe any records responsive to the inquiries above are subject to any privileges, please provide a detailed privilege log.  Please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 and Brian Privor of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703 if you have any questions.
Charles E. Grassley                                                      Dianne Feinstein
Chairman                                                                     Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary                                        Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate                                                  United States Senate             

[1] While your search terms included the word “Papadopoulos” we ask that you include the term “Papad*” in the searches of the additional custodians Mr. Mashburn and Mr. Dearborn, in an effort to account for possible misspellings.