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Grassley: Judge Kavanaugh a Respected Jurist

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today met D.C. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.  In the meeting, Chairman Grassley congratulated Judge Kavanaugh on his nomination and discussed the general process going forward as the Senate prepares to review his record. Judge Kavanaugh also discussed his steadfast application of a judicial philosophy that respects the letter of the law and the Constitution.
Following the meeting, Chairman Grassley made this statement:
“I just had a pleasant conversation with Judge Kavanaugh. He and I have not interacted a lot in our lifetime, so getting acquainted with him again is very important. He’s a respected jurist in the court he sits on. He’s written many outstanding opinions that I think are going to be gone through by every lawyer, at least on our committee.
“Today, we discussed the general process of considering and confirming nominees to the Supreme Court.  I intend this process to be thorough, fair and efficient. We will evaluate his record, which by all preliminary accounts, is outstanding.  I look forward to learning more about Judge Kavanaugh as we move forward with the advice and consent process.”
·       Press conference photos: Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3
·       Photo from meeting
