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Grassley Praises Labor Department Actions to Combat Visa Fraud, Protect American Workers

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley made the following statement after Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta announced actions to increase protections of American workers and more aggressively confront visa program fraud and abuse.
“Secretary Acosta is taking a serious first step to address the rampant problem of visa fraud and its harmful effects on American workers. I am glad the Secretary has taken some of my suggestions to heart, and is taking steps to root out criminal fraud. The wellbeing of hard-working Americans is at stake, and the Secretary’s continued work in this area with the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security is absolutely critical.”
Today’s actions by the Labor Department follow numerous inquiries and initiatives pushed by Grassley. On May 23, 2017, Grassley led a bipartisan group of senators in demanding protections for American workers before more temporary work visas were issued.