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Grassley Presses Justice Dept., FBI on Terrorist Travel after Afghanistan Withdrawal

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is pushing the Justice Department and FBI to detail efforts to detect and prevent travel by known terrorists or terrorist recruits to and from the United States following the Biden Administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“Congress and the American people need and deserve information regarding the FBI’s strategies and figures regarding recent terrorism cases in relation to post-withdrawal Afghanistan,” Grassley wrote.
In letters to Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray, Grassley is seeking details on the number of terrorist traveler cases opened following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, any preparations made by federal law enforcement ahead of the planned withdrawal and what steps are being taken to address any future upticks in terrorism traveler cases.
Full text of Grassley’s letter to the FBI can be found HERE. Full text of Grassley’s letter to the Justice Department can be found HERE.
