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Grassley Seeks Details on NYC Attacker

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is requesting background information on Sayfullo Saipov, the man responsible for hitting and killing eight people with his rental truck yesterday in lower Manhattan. Eleven others were also injured in the attack.
According to information received by the Judiciary Committee, Saipov entered the United States in 2010 on a diversity visa and has become a lawful permanent resident. The 29-year-old is now a resident of Tampa, Florida.
In a letter today to acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley requested biographical information on Saipov, including his immigration history and criminal record. Grassley also asked whether Saipov was ever listed on any terrorist watch list, and has requested any records of terrorism-related activities.
November 1, 2017
Elaine Duke
Acting Secretary
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
The Honorable Rex Tillerson
United States Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520
Dear Acting Secretary Duke and Secretary Tillerson:
On October 31, 2017, a man driving a rental truck hit and killed eight people a few blocks away from One World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.[1] Law enforcement have identified the suspect as 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov of Tampa, Florida. According to authorities, the suspect reportedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” at the police after hitting cyclists with his truck, then slamming into a school bus.[2] Officials also said that handwritten notes in Arabic were found near the truck that indicated allegiance to ISIS.[3] In addition to those killed, 11 people were transported to the hospital with injuries.[4]
According to reports to my office, Saipov is a lawful permanent resident who immigrated to the United States from Uzbekistan on a diversity visa over five years ago.
To confirm this information and better understand what motivated this act of terror, please provide numbered written responses to the following questions no later than November 14, 2017:
Department of Homeland Security:
1.      Please provide a list of all A-files, executive summaries, or receipt files with TECs hits for terrorism that have been requested from the Department of Homeland Security in furtherance of the New York City terrorist attack including any information on Sayfullo Saipov.
2.      Did Sayfullo Saipov have any criminal convictions? Please explain and provide all relevant documentation.
3.      Was Sayfullo Saipov on any terrorist watch lists? If so, which lists and which dates was he on the lists?
Department of State:
4.      Please provide all visa records and associated documentation for Sayfullo Saipov.
a.      Did Sayfullo Saipov apply for any U.S. visa? If the answer is yes, what category of visa was sought? Which embassy or consulate did he submit the application to? If the visa was denied, what was the basis for denial?
b.      Please provide the visa category and validity period for any and all previous visas issued to Sayfullo Saipov.
c.       Please provide the dates of application submission and the basis of denial for any past visa applications submitted by Sayfullo Saipov, along with any associated documentation, case or interview notes, or other related information.
d.      Has Sayfullo Saipov ever been in possession of a U.S. visa that was later revoked? If so, please provide any information that supported the decision for revocation.
e.      Was Sayfullo Saipov subjected to any additional administrative processing associated with any visa application? Please explain and provide all documentation uncovered, or created, as a result of such additional processing.
f.        Please provide a timeline for all applications or petitions for immigrant and/or non-immigrant visas.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Katherine Nikas of my Committee staff at (202) 224-5225.
Chuck Grassley
Senate Committee on the Judiciary
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Ranking Member
Senate Committee on the Judiciary
The Honorable Christopher Wray
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C. 20535

[1] Emily Shapiro, Aaron Katersky, Josh Margolin, 8 Dead After Truck Plows Into People in New York City in ‘Cowardly act of terror’: Mayor, ABC News, available at
[2] Id.
[3] Benjamin Mueller, William K. Rashburn, Al Baker, 8 Dead as Truck Careens Down Bike Path in Manhattan in terror Attack, The New York Times,
[4] Eric Levenson, Brynn Gingras, and Ray Sanchez, Suspect in Manhattan Truck Attack That Killed 8 from Uzbekistan, Sources Say, CNN, available at