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Grassley Statement on Democrats’ Obstruction of Committee Work

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today released the following statement on the Minority’s obstruction of the Judiciary Committee’s work via a rarely-used procedural tool to curb committee work.
“Three times this week, the Judiciary Committee has been obstructed by the Minority Leader’s refusal to let Senate committees function normally. His decision to abuse a rarely-used Senate procedure preventing committee business two hours after the Senate convenes has, ironically, abridged a hearing on the freedom of speech. It also blocked a hearing advancing the committee’s investigation into Russian interference in last year’s elections – something the Democrats on the committee have been clamoring for. And just today, it halted consideration of two bipartisan bills to curb human trafficking and help victims of such heinous crimes. These are important matters that warrant committee action and should not be treated as collateral damage in the Minority Leader’s political tantrum,” Grassley said.
