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Grassley Statement on President Trump’s Announced Plans to End DACA

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today made the following statement regarding President Trump’s announced plans to suspend the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive order, or DACA.


“However well-intentioned DACA may have been, the program was created by executive edict rather than by Congress as the Constitution requires. Because of President Obama’s executive overreach, DACA has faced numerous legitimate legal challenges, and now President Trump has asked Congress to sort it out,” Grassley said.


“Any legislative solution is going to have to be a compromise that addresses the status of those who have been unlawfully brought to this country and upholds the rule of law. President Trump should continue to work with Congress to pass reforms through the legislative process that encourage lawful immigration. In the meantime, I expect that the Administration’s immigration enforcement priorities will continue to target the thousands of criminals ahead of those who have otherwise abided by our laws.”

